Saturday, May 14, 2005

Shitty Blog Club

I am a proud member in good standing of the Shitty Blogs Club. I am currently lobbying for Blog of the Month for May because I really like the button (see below). My platform is that I will tell all my friends that the button means that my blog is *the shit* rather than *shitty* which makes me a liar as well as a shitty, if consistent, blogger.

Our shitmaster has instructed that if we want to be considered as Shitty Blog of the Month for May, we must pimp the Shitty Blogs Club. So here it is.

(By the way, if this post has offended you, tough shit. I mean, excuse my French.)

Posted by Hello


sleepybomb said...

you are the blog whore i wanna be.
i just don't have the time, and you work?
you are my lil quenn outside of new orleans. . . .
where do i vote?

sleepybomb said...

oh yeah, i am so shitty i forgot to sign up, i think the wreckroom is one real shitty blog . . .

Laurie said...

Sleepybomb - You don't have to vote. The guy who created the Shitty Blogs Club makes the decision, but thanks for the offer.

And, if my bosses are reading this, I never blog at work except during lunch. :)

Your blog is far from shitty and allow me to do a little whoring for you. EVERYONE GO LOOK AT SLEEPYBOMB'S WRECK ROOM RIGHT NOW.

(How was that?)

Laurie said...

Everyone - This morning (Sunday), the links to the Shitty Blogs Club aren't working. They were working yesterday. I don't know that kind of shit is going on over there. I'm sure that when the shit went down, the shit hit the fan and somebody is going to catch some shit for it.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, if that ain't the shits!

Will sprinkle some horse apples, cow pies, rabbit pellets and chicken dung on your site when I get a chance.

You don't need to thank me. Glad to do it.

Laurie said...

Crazy - Thanks! Your well wishes and all your comments and shit are greatly appreciated.

Old Horsetail - Farm shit! The best kind.

Laurie said...

The deleted comment was spam in case anyone was wondering. Something about videos of naked women. (Perhaps I should have left it as a little perk for my regular commenters.)

sleepybomb said...

my only chance at nekkid grrls. . . gone!

Laurie said...

Sleepy - I guess I should have been more considerate of the men folk on this blog. You just might be able to find a few nekkid women elsewhere on the net if you try really hard.