Thursday, May 05, 2005

Now That's a Snake

Why do the men always look so happy in these pictures?

Posted by Hello


Carol Davidson said...

Because they still believe that size matters.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

that's called "nervous laughter," don't kid yourself.

Q said...

They are happy and excited to see a snake that size - something they don't get to see normally in their lives. And man that is a rather huge snake.

OldRoses said...

It's that caveman "kill everything that moves especially if it is large" instinct. Something humongous like that snake is just soooooo satisfying to them.

And men are obsessed with size.

The Complimenting Commenter said...

Wow! That is one big snake. A better picture would be them getting off balance and the snake chewing on somebody's leg. Great post!

Laurie said...

Abby - Poor babies.

Pauly - Animal instinct and that conquering hero thing I guess.

Old Horsetail - I think you're right!

Q - It's a big one!

Old Roses - The bigger the deader.

Complimenting - Hahaha...wait, that's not funny...wait, yeah it is.

Zina said...

You're all wrong--They're just drunk.

Laurie said...

Johnny - If I were giving a prize for best reason those guys are smiling, you'd win.

Zina - Another good theory.

Astrid said...

Coz if they do not smile, the snake will bite them?