Sunday, May 29, 2005

Laurie's Mini-Mini Reviews

Garden State - Brilliant

Closer - Brutal

Sideways - Brooding *

* Sideways gets extra credit, however, for the reference to Confederacy of the Dunces.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mini-reviews, Laurie. I want to see all of those movies. Mrs. CA, on the other hand, has little interest in the last two.

Laurie said...

Thomas - A fabulous book. For me, the movie took a giant step forward just by mentioning it.

Comfort Addict - Watch Garden State together and watch the other two alone. You will have to decide if she will like them because they weren't easy to watch. I may like Sideways better after I watch it again. Closer might be too emotionally intense for a lot of people.

Lorna said...

I loved Sideways---loved it! The two guys were so people I knew and tolerated. I want to be Sandra Oh. And help me out with "A Confederacy of Dunces"---I'm googled-out.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Garden State: New Jersey

Closer: Mariano Rivera

Sideways: Childhood joke about Oriental girls' vag.

All of the above would make good movies.

Laurie said...

Lorna - Confederacy of the Dunces is a book written by John Kennedy Toole about a loser living in New Orleans. Mr. Tooled committed suicide and, if I remember the story correctly, his mother found the manuscript after his death and had it published. It's a fantastic book.

Old Horsetail - Write the screenplays!

Lorna said...

Gone to Amazon as we speak....or whatever

Laurie said...

Lorna - You'll love it!

Danno said...

I loved Sideways, especially the J.K. Toole reference! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, the name is O'Toole, and I will NEVER eat a Lucky Dog again!

Kimberly said...

I loved Sideways- just saw it last night. Those storm pics are amazing!

Laurie said...

Danno - I couldn't believe it when I heard him say Confederacy of the Dunces. I sat straight up on the couch and yelped. I swear, I yelped.

Anonymous - Nope, it's Toole. Check Amazon and Google. And, never eat a Lucky Dog again? Blasphemy!

MommaK - I'm still on the fence about Sideways until I watch it again. I might do that tonight.