In the order of elimination:Amanda Overmyer - Her lack of enthusiasm coupled with her same-old, same-old will continue to annoy people and she'll be voted off this week.
David Hernandez - He's had one great performance in the last three weeks. Three strikes, you're out. He'll be gone in two weeks.
Ramiele Malubay - She'll be gone in three weeks, not for lack of vocal ability. She will completely self-destruct when David Hernandez gets sent home and will eventually live happily ever after with Danny Noriega and Colton Berry in a loft somewhere.
Chikezie - Chikezie will be saved from elimination and will be around one week longer than he should because of Ramiele's elimination due to her nervous breakdown, unless he can pull some kick-ass Luther Vandross out of his hat.
Kristy Lee Cook - Since she's "gone country," Kristy should be able to buy some time. However, she needs to do something about that crazy legs thing she has going on or she'll go before Chikezie.
Syesha Mercado - Syesha doesn't do anything we haven't seen a million times before. She does it well, she's beautiful and has a nice personality, but that's not enough this year. Last year, she would have at least come in second and might have won the whole thing.
Michael Johns - Early on, Michael Johns was my all-time favorite contestant ever. However, I'm growing tired of his Jim Morrison/Michael Hutchence vibe. None of that changes the fact that I still want a hot weekend in Vegas with him.
Jason Castro - A-damn-dorable. He makes me happy. Happy, happy, happy.
Brooke White - I like her much more than I thought I would. Sappy white chicks generally get on my nerves.
David Cook - All of the rock fans are going to be out for Chris Daughtry Premature Elimination revenge and will keep David Cook in for as long as possible. His horrible hair, notwithstanding, he deserves to stay.
Carly Smithson - I base my Carly Smithson #2 prediction more on my hopes for the finale. A Brooke White/David Archuleta finale might put me into a sugar coma. A David Cook/David Archuleta finale might totally blow my mind in an acid flashback sort of way.
David Archuleta - No contest. David Archuleta is your next American Idol. The only thing that might prevent him from winning is if his vocal paralysis kicks in and his mom has to perform for him. Actually, I don't know if that could even stop him.