Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ava Blowing Raspberries

My daughter-in-law called me last night and said she was sending me a video of my grand-fabulous-daughter Ava blowing raspberries on her cousin's leather couch. She said she had been doing this for about five minutes before they grabbed the camera. Silly baby.


neil said...

My daughter loves raspberries...only the eating kind, the ONLY fruit she'll eat. I'm not showing her this...just in case!

Mommy said...

What a funny girl. :)

TBM said...


Grimm said...

Adorable takes on a whole new meaning when Ava is around. I was thinking she was gonna turn around and start walking there for a minute.

Leon said...

that looks so much fun.. i'll try that when i get home! :P

Laurie said...

Neil - Hahahaha!!

Jen - She is!

Just - :)

Grimm - Not yet, but soon. :)

Leon - Hahahah!! Post video!

Lorna said...

Isn't it illegal or something to be that cute?

Laurie said...

Lorna - I'm sure you're right. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, is she cute!

Laurie said...

Leslie - Yes, she is. :)