I just got back from bringing mom and dad to Alvin to see Cory and Jamie's new house. We had fabulous BBQ at Joe's in Alvin Saturday night and today we went to the Houston Downtown Aquarium and ate at the Aquarium Restaurant. The food was absolutely amazing and Cory and Jamie and I had delicious...what else?...margaritas.

I don't know if it was the margarita at lunch but, at the first exhibit, I saw this sign and, at first glance, I thought it said "Stupid Bass."

I'll be posting all of the pictures on Flickr tomorrow evening but, for now, here are several I particularly liked...
Red looks good! Not too thin or anything.. do tell him I said "hey".
Lonesome G
Were those marguritas? Also was that a real tiger?
Lonesome G - He was feeling really good this weekend. I'll tell them you said "hey."
Jersey - Yes and yes.
The aquarium looks amazing. I need to get out of the house and down to ours. Is it my imagination or were those particularly large margaritas? Glad you had fun. Welcome home.
Sophmom - They were wonderfully large margaritas.
The Aquariums in Moody Gardens-Galveston & Corpus Christi are way better then this one. But glad ya had fun
Paige - I'm not far from Moody Gardens. I will definitely check it out. I love aquariums.
What a great picture of Ruby, Jingles & fly. Your Dad looks handsome as ever!!! xoxo Poodles
Poodles - Thanks, girl. I'll tell dad you said, "hi."
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