As soon as I got to mom's house last night for Bonnie's birthday party, she took me outside to show me the big ass mushroom pictured above. That baby could have made Willie's bus happy for many a mile. Here in southeast Texas, after a particularly rainy spell, we have a lot of white cap mushrooms around that get pretty big, but I've never seen anything like this.
I didn't take a lot of pictures of the family, of which there were many, because they would have looked like every other family get-together we've ever had. I did get a few of the non-family party people sitting on the patio. Terry was there but was, evidently, in the house when I took the photos below.
By the way, this Slide.com thing is free, easy and I love it. You'll be seeing lots more slide shows here. (Thanks Deek.)
I thought we were the only mushroom eaters :lol:
You guys have no real clothes on, and it's October! And that mushroom has had a strange effect on your photos. Or maybe that was my mushroom...
Nomad - Hahaha! There isn't much that a Cajun won't eat. We were originally from France, you know.
Lorna - I knew you were going to say that about the clothes! Hahahahaha!!! I really knew it.
I went to see some family last week and they also had these tremendous mushrooms in their backyard. No one had a clue where they came from or what, but they looked just as hideous! Haha ... and they feel like a dirty sponge! No, I vote for sunflowers all the way!
Astrid - I wonder if aliens are dropping these big mushrooms on us, like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
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