Last night Jack and I saw Fred Eaglesmith at Courville's.
Every time we've tried to see him he sold out the place, so this time Courville's booked him for two shows. We saw the 5:00 p.m. show and, I must say, seeing a concert at 5:00 in the afternoon and still being home in time for Desperate Housewives made for a pretty cool Sunday afternoon/evening.
The gumbo was hot and spicy and so was Fred. No particular song stands out because they were all great. He is also one of the funniest performers I've ever seen. He did as much stand-up comedy as he did music but that wasn't a bad thing. I especially enjoyed watching Willie, his back-up singer/mandolin player.
Don't miss the Big Damn Acoustic Jam (click on the Courville's link and go to Events) on November 15th. You can call to make a reservation which I highly recommend because, if it isn't sold out, it will be soon.
Every time we've tried to see him he sold out the place, so this time Courville's booked him for two shows. We saw the 5:00 p.m. show and, I must say, seeing a concert at 5:00 in the afternoon and still being home in time for Desperate Housewives made for a pretty cool Sunday afternoon/evening.
The gumbo was hot and spicy and so was Fred. No particular song stands out because they were all great. He is also one of the funniest performers I've ever seen. He did as much stand-up comedy as he did music but that wasn't a bad thing. I especially enjoyed watching Willie, his back-up singer/mandolin player.
Don't miss the Big Damn Acoustic Jam (click on the Courville's link and go to Events) on November 15th. You can call to make a reservation which I highly recommend because, if it isn't sold out, it will be soon.
its got a bench seat baby, you dont have to sit over there: bowdown: to freddy.
Bernie - Sing it, Bernie!
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