I shared a room in New Orleans with my friends Kelly and Clay. That's Clay up there holding the tampons. I'm not sure how long Kelly and Clay have been married but it must be approaching the twenty year mark. This trip showed Clay exactly how married he is.
Saturday morning, Kelly informed us from the restroom that she had gotten a little surprise and needed some tampons. After calling all the women in our group and finding out that no one had any tampons, we called the front desk and found out that the souvenir shop next door to our hotel sold tampons.
Being the wonderful guy he is and not wanting to become divorced just shy of their twenty year (give or take a few years) anniversary, Clay left the hotel in pursuit of tampons and panty liners. After making his purchase, the clerk asked Clay if he wanted a bag. For some reason, Clay said no.
Clay is a laid back guy and walks at a very leisurely pace all the time. I don't think I've ever seen Clay walk faster than a stroll. So, picture Clay, casually sauntering down Bourbon Street at about 10:00 a.m. with tampons in one hand and panty liners in the other.
That's pretty damn married right there.
Clay is a Wonderful Guy. He does everything casual and slow as to say "I DID IT MY WAY". Clay we all love you the way you are, stay that way, you make things look easy.
You're right Laurie, that's pretty damn married.
Mr. Liggett - I'll tell him you said that. He'll love it.
Mom - He's a peach.
Peter - It's a good thing Kelly's so sweet.
Jaws - Oh, Jaws! I'll sure tell you said that! He'll love it.
That is a turn-on...
He ain't afraid of nuthin'.
Does that mean you don't buy your own condoms?
Very married. Very cool guy.
Jen- Ain't it though?
Old Horsetail - That's the truth.
Lorna - I'm sure Clay would gladly provide those as well.
Lady - Very cool!
Some men are just wonderful, and Clay is one wonderful husband...Now you know why they have been married for so long.
Haha .. I love the pic and the tale, does he visit your Blog too? We must proclaim him "Husband of the Day."
Abandoned - Kelly's pretty sweet, too.
Astrid - Yes! Husband of the day.
I'd say Bourbon St is one thing, but to pose in YOUR blog, visited by millions; is quite another!
WTG, Clay.
Aisha - A million give or take 999,980. ;)
I sure am glad that I have alot of fans out there. But believe me being married to Kelly has made little things like that little story very easy to do. If the shoe was on the other foot she would do the exact same thing. She would probably ask for a sack though. Love ya Laurie!!!!!!!Claybob
Clay - See! There you go. You are the best. How about all these fans, huh? By the way, now that you have started commenting, I expect to see more. Love you, too!
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