Three out of four persons polled (Jamie, Cory, Bonnie, Laurie) do not find sock monkeys to be one of the creepiest, scariest, freakiest toys known to man.
One out of four persons (me) hates them.
Bonnie, Jamie and I attended the annual Nutcracker Market at Reliant Stadium today. Between all the "cute" frog stuff and "adorable" sock monkeys everywhere, delightfully pointed out to me by Bonnie and Jamie, I'm sure I will not be dreaming of sugarplums dancing in my head tonight.
That is an amzing statistic. I found it myself in the Guiness Book of Records
Sorry! I think the are cute too! AND I am so jelous!! Add the Nutcracker Market to the list of things I'm missing being over here...Thanks!! Just kidding...there is PLENTY of shopping here.
I like sock monkeys, too. But I don't like those little wind-up monkeys that play cymbals/drums. Those are scary.
Lorna - I hope they gave me credit.
Texas Gal - Ewwww. They're creepy!
I'll cop to complete ignorance here.
I was blissfully unaware of a nutcracker market (and glad for it, I think), and had no idea such a thing as a sock monkey existed. You have enlightened me; in that respect, at least, you are performing a public service here.
Even more so if you knew the first image that came into my mind when I read the term "sock monkey" (Hint: It wasn't real close to the actual definition.)
And of course, thanks to you, now I have a new reason for my troubled dreams.
Target is now selling Sock Monkey sheets; do a search, you'll find them.
Ah Sock monkey sheets.. You know Christmas is just around the corner sisterpoo...lol.
Baby sis
Jen - Oh! I don't like the cymbal monkeys wither. Damn, I have a lot of issues don't I?
Inca - Then, my work here is done.
Gnight Girl - AAGGHH!!!!!
Baby Sis - Double AAGGHH!!!!!! I think it's their sewed up mouths that creep me out the most.
I not only like sock monkeys, but I like monkey socks. http://www.eyecandyboutique.com/pafrho3paofs.html
I love monkeys. I even love the word "monkey" say it lots of times and it get hilarious. It's almost as funny as "squirrel", but I HATE sock monkeys. They look like the devil on a good day. I'm with you, sock monkeys - ick!
I find sock monkeys disturbing, too. The cymbal monkeys are scary, but sock monkeys are downright creepy. I say that because I've actually known two or three of them. LOL.
That thing does have a sinister quality to it.
OK...I remember when I was little, Grandpa was in the hospital and we wanted to see him but we were to little to get into the room to see him. For some reason we all bought him a sock monkey doll. We all stood outside his hospital window and he came to the window and waved with us and showed us that he got that monkey.
OK cousin, was this a dream or did this really happen?
Sophmom - They're everywhere!
Cindy Bindy and Serena Joy - Finally! People who agree with me. I was beginning to think I was the only one.
Ole Blue - Yes!
Zina - I remember all of that except for the part that we bought him a sock monkey. A supressed memory perhaps? Maybe that's why I have a bad feeling about the monkeys because, as I recall, that was one of the last (if not the last) times we saw him.
How rehabilitating can this be for me to read about my fears and phobias everyday on your blog? Did the deathray's ship in time for Christmas or is there a backorder?
It's no coincidence that Satan and sock puppet both start with an S. I think they are hideous... and they don't look good either.
Jersey - I'll have to timewarp the Death Ray's to Sweden in order for them to be there in time for Christmas but I won't charge you extra.
Allen - Finally, the anti-sock monkey people speak. Then can hurt us no more! Huzzah!
Well everytime I see a sock monkey I think of that time we got grandpa one when he was in the hospital and I think it was the last time we saw him.
No wonder you hate that damn monkey!
Zina - Usually, when you discover the repressed memory, you're cured of your phobia. I still hate the stupid monkeys. Thanks, doc. :)
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