You know how when you're on vacation you take hundreds of pictures of mountains and then, when you get home, the pictures just look like pictures of mountains? Jack and I were so impressed at the tables full of beers when we left Antone's last night that I was inspired to take the picture above. For some reason, it just looks like tables full of beers.
I'm not sure if it was because of our own table full of beers but, for some reason, Jive Train's show last night seemed to be kicked up a notch. The opening band was Sweet Root, another fine band out of Baton Rouge. I thought they were great and they really set the tone for a wild night. The place was as crowded as I've ever seen it. It was so crowded that it was one of those nights that I had my emergency exit route planned out...just in case.
I love it when the musicians from both bands all jam together and musicians seem to come and go and appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. The guy below from Sweet Root, however, stayed on the stage singing back up funk and dancing the whole night. He was one semi-funky white boy.
Sweet Root is great. I love David Wallace (the guitarist/vocalist). He's a great guitar player and a nice guy. He sat in with Dollar Short once, and it was great!
That top photo shows a big ol' Texas night, though there couldn't have been much dancing on the tables. I've been looking at the name Sweet Root and wondering what it means, surely they're not named after a potato? Maybe it's...nah, forget it.
Jen - the lead singer was great! I can't wait for them to come back.
Neil - I didn't see any dancing on the tables, but, there sure might have been. Regarding the name Sweet Root...nah, forget it. ;)
I llike my white boys semi-funky.
Lorna - Amen to that!
It really improves the show when the performers LOVE what they are doing, instead of (or in addition to) really needing the money.
Miss Cellania - That's exactly what was so great about that Sweet Root guy. He loved the funk.
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