Here is another site with more examples and a photo of a lady in the plaster mold, pre-decoration.
Feel free to blast me for having this opinion but I find this to be one of the most disturbing and tasteless trends to come down the pipe in a long time. Are these people actually hanging these things on the walls in their homes? Perhaps, they're using them as salad bowls or potpourri holders.
The thought of my pregnancy outie being on display for all to see for posterity is bad enough but to have it painted and decorated, with pink flamingos, no less, or NASCAR (?!), is nightmare inducing, therapy required territory.

Hi Laurie,
I made a belly cast for my last pregnancy. I did not paint anything on it because I was simply about honoring nature and as a memory about that special time. The cast now decorates my studio and I love to look at it and even try it on.
Lorena - You're so nice not to let me have it with both barrels. I like the thought of you trying it on. Sweet. I enjoyed my pregnant belly when I was pregnant, too. (My baby is 25 years old, by the way.)
Maybe they could take a mold of my nuts and paint on it: "This is a nutty idea"
Angela - Maybe if it were a rubber mask I could take out and look at from time to time but mostly put away, it would be okay. I think it's the whole hanging it on the wall that bugs me.
Popeye - See Old Horsetail's comment for your answer.
Old Horsetail - Now, at least that would make some sense.
Men should have their bellies done, too! Oh, forget it. A beer belly doesn't go away in nine months. No need for a souvenir.
Cellania - I bet you've just given a lot of NASCAR fans an idea.
hmmm . . umm, interesting the way they painted them. I've seen the belly casts and I thought it was pretty cool just in and of itslef, but not painted!
i think men should cast their baby-making furniture in plaster and hang it next to the big bellies on the wall, paint them up in garish colours, and write upon them proud boasts of the quality of their sperm...
Renee - Yeah, I think the painting is a very bad idea.
Deek - Now THAT'S a good idea. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Did you feel that shiver? All the trees in my backyard are down!
Lorna - I'm glad it's not just me.
So...does that mean if you have 6 children that you should have 6 belly casts? I mean you couldn't just have one, because the other children would feel offended.
I look at them as just another way to make a buck.
Abandoned - I hadn't thought about the multiple kid factor. Holy cow.
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