One of my duties while helping Cory and Jamie move was to sit at the new house and unpack a few things while waiting for the new refrigerator to be delivered. As one of the deliverymen was setting up the refrigerator, he pulled out a pocketknife and used it to cut away some packing material.
It occurred to me that I haven't seen a man pull out a pocketknife and actually do something useful with it in years. Do men (or women) actually still carry pocketknives and, if so, do they use them for something other than cleaning their fingernails?
I carry a Leatherman Micra on my key ring that I use often. Does that count?
I have a pocket knife that is in the cupboard. But I know exactly where it is, unlike most everything else.
Laurie: I carry a pocket knife in my purse, that my daddy, Nick, gave me for protection years ago (when I started going to bars and staying out late at night :) I forgot I had it in my purse one time and went to court with it. Boy was my face red when the metal detector went off and the bailif had to search me. Now, I leave my purse in the car. cindy
Jack - Sure it counts. You sure do have lots of cool stuff, I tell you what.
Old Horsetail - It must be a guy thing.
Cindy - I guess it ISN'T a guy thing. I should probably get me one, too. Do they come in a lovely shade of lavender?
Dave has a Swiss Army knife with multiple bits that he has to keep sending home to himself from airport security....
I open boxes with my teeth
I don't carry one, but my male asst. mgrs usually do. We have to open boxes all the time. If I can't open it with my keys I call them to cut it open.
Its fun to be in charge--I get to boss around men with knives!
I have a switchblade. Not that I'm a badass or anything, but it's italian made, italian steel and it stays very sharp, like having a razor to cut with. Well, I guess some people may be a little intimidated when the call goes out: "does anyone have a knife?" and "fip" my blade springs to life. It is also the best letter opener I ever had. LG
Lorna - I know what to get you for Christmas.
Zina - That's hot!
George - I wonder where I can get a lavender SWITCHBLADE!!
I have a swiss army "thing." It's the size of a credit card and has lots of doo-dads in it, including a very dull knife, a pen, a pin, and, most used: little teensy scissors.
Gnight Girl - Sounds like I better get me one of those things.
I also carry a Leatherman. A Squirt. I used to carry just a normal pocketknife (with Elvis' on it :) but I retired it and use the leatherman all the time. Working on PC's it is handy. I run a restaurant for a living and constantly find new uses for it.
Richard - I gots to get me one of them Leatherman thingys...or the lavender switchblade.
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