I've been
tagged by Grimm to give you six weird things about me. I had a little trouble at first until I put myself in my sisters’ heads and thought about all the times they have said to me, “You’re weird.” Once I did that, it was easy and I couldn’t stop at six.
1. I can talk like Donald Duck.
“You’re weird!”
2. I can cross one eye at a time.
“You’re weird!”
3. I hate to wear shoes when I’m indoors.
“You’re weird!”
4. I rarely, how shall I put this, pass gas (either direction). I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve burped out loud. This might not be a big deal in your family, but, in mine, it’s a constant source of amazement.
“You’re weird!”
5. My house and my office always look neat but every cabinet, drawer and closet is a mess.
“You’re weird!”
6. No matter how long I'm gone on vacation, I read all of the newspapers I missed when I get home.
“You’re weird!”
7. I'm a little bit psychic but have no control over it whatsoever. However, it makes me eerily good at Trivial Pursuit.
“You’re weird!”
8. Reading or laying on the couch at less than a 45 degree angle puts me straight to sleep. Ergo, I have to watch foreign sub-titled movies in increments. I tried to watch Seven Samurai last night and fell so deeply asleep that I woke up three hours later. It took me three sittings to finish Cyrano.
“You’re weird!”
9. I sleep so soundly that I have literally slept through a train wreck less than half a block from my house.
“You’re weird!”
10. I’ve seen a ghost. I moved two weeks later.
“You’re weird!”
11. I used to be able to name all of the previous top ten contestants on each season of American Idol. This season, however, the little man who lives in my brain decided “enough is enough” and erased that memory bank.
“You’re weird!”
12. If I don’t wash my face before I go to bed, it bugs me…a lot.
“You’re weird!”
13. I’m an annoyingly cautious driver.
“You’re weird!”
14. I was anorexic in high school. This was, and still is, a big deal in my “healthy” eating Cajun family.
“You’re weird!”
15. I have a really high tolerance for pain. (I think it has something to do with lots of broken bones, sprains, bad shoulders, two kidney stones, countless gall bladder attacks and a partridge in a pear tree.)
“You’re weird!”
16. I’m a pretty good country western dancer but I am also very clumsy and a total klutz (see sprains and broken bones above).
“You’re weird!”
17. I used to think I was afraid of heights and roller coasters and anything that goes fast but I’ve decided instead that I’m afraid of falling off of heights and roller coasters and anything that goes fast.
“You’re weird!”
18. For some reason, I think stair rails are the most germy things in the world.
“You’re weird!”
19. If I consume too much Aspartame (NutraSweet) I have BIG problems with my memory.
“You’re weird!”
20. I think cockroaches, especially the flying ones, are the vilest thing on earth. I hate them worse than spiders, snakes, rats and yes, even frogs.
“You’re weird!”
21. I have a horrible voice but I love to sing but only when I’m alone.
“You’re weird!”
22. Although I’m a big hard rock/punk/new wave fan, I love Barry Manilow, The Carpenters and Bread.
“You’re weird!”
23. Although I can drink more than the average woman my size without being drunk, on occasion, I have had to be driven home and put to bed after only two or three drinks. This even happened in New Orleans once.
“You’re weird!”
24. My feet and/or my fingers tap when music is playing, even television commercials and background music in movies. I usually don’t even know I’m doing it. I absolutely cannot listen to Cajun music without my feet going crazy.
“You’re weird!”
25. Sometimes I talk in my sleep. Actually, it’s more like crying and screaming. For some reason, people find this disturbing.
“You’re weird!”
26. I can’t believe I came up with 25 of these!
“You are SO weird!”
I'm supposed to tag six other people but I prefer to let you choose. If you do the six weird things, leave us a note in the comments with a link to your blog or just leave us your six (or more) weird things about you in the comments.