Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Elevator Etiquette

Okay, everyone, pay attention now. Running for an elevator when the door is closing is the height of arrogance.

People who do this are basically saying to everyone on the elevator, “Hey wait for me. Look at me, I’m running. I can’t possibly wait 30 more seconds for the next elevator. You must all wait. Wait, wait, wait for me. Now everyone move over so I can squeeze into this tiny space with my purse and my lunch and my big-ass bag full of God knows what.”

I love to look at them and pretend like I’m trying to punch the open button and shrug helplessly like I’m an idiot who just can’t figure out which button to push as I casually push the close button. I am the queen of non-confrontational confrontation.


Lorna said...

Running for an elevator when the door is closing is the height of efficiency.

People who do this are reminding everyone else on the elevator, “Hey! Look at her: She went to the bathroom before looking for the elevator and even though I wanted to pee, but I chose to take the elevator in a leisurely fashion instead, I am happy to wait 2 more seconds for this incredibly efficient elevator-runner. Everyone move over so she can squeeze into this tiny space with her purse and her lunch and her little-ass bag full of books on efficiency and effectiveness. I hope I can learn something from her, and look she has a cute hairdo too. Gosh."

Just another perspective

Laurie said...

Ah, Lorna, my dear blogging friend. If I ever see you coming, I'll hold the elevator for you!