Monday, May 02, 2005

Madonna's Tiny Penis

One of my friends just e-mailed me that she dreamed she did it with Bo Bice last night. That reminded me that last night I dreamed I did it with Madonna. She had a really tiny penis.


Anonymous said...

"Paging Dr. Freud." :)

Bo Bice? Really? I simply cannot IMAGINE who would have dreamed that that you know from work, Laurie. I mean, who would really want to make sweet, hot, dirty love with Bo backstage at one of his shows while he nibbled on her ear and she put her hands in that beautiful long hair... Cannot think of a single soul.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I want a dream about Constantine!!!!

John Norton said...

I'll have to grab my copy of Sex to verify this.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I wouldn't touch that with my 10-foot pole.

PATCAM 2009 said...

Really, I want to have a dream where Carrie Underwood gives me the horizontal mambo. Thats Hot!

Erin M said...

ok that has me laughing so hard i started coughing and snorting - oh so lady like

Laurie said...

Jen - Dr. Freud isn't answering. He gave up on me long ago.

Anonymous - No Constantine tomorrow night. How will we survive?

John - Research CAN be fun.

Old Horsetail - Ten feet or ten inches? Either way, we're impressed.

Howard - The dream didn't get that far.

Pat - The innocent little farm girl? Isn't there a joke about that?

Fidget - Just when I was thinking I had gone too far, I get the result I was hoping for. Wipe your nose and read some more. Hopefully, there will be more snorting in here somewhere.