You all know I'm a sucker for coincidences. After a pretty stressful drive to Louisiana and then sitting in traffic for about an hour fifteen miles or so outside of Baton Rouge, the traffic finally began to move. As the traffic began to move, the song playing on the radio was "I Can See Clearly Now" and the lyric when I passed the wreckers..."I can see all obstacles in my way."
That's weird, but I didn't give it much thought. I just gave it a chuckle.
About ten minutes later, I took my exit and had to find Morning GLORY Avenue. As I was trying to read each street sign without getting rear ended on the wet roads, the song "GLORY Days" came on.
Weird. Right?
It's like God was playing a soundtrack for your life!
okay, those are two weird coincidences, aren't they? I'll sometimes hear one song that seems appropriate at the time, but two?
I love that kind of stuff!
Anonymous must think you're feeling lucky . . . apply before your luck changes!
Leslie - That happens to me a lot.
Kacey - I know. It's weird!
Alyson - Me, too. :)
George - He was a nasty old spammer. I took care of his spamming @$$.
I'll give you one more weird coincidence - when Joe was on his way in from work Thursday morning, he turns on his radio, and it's "Sweet Child of Mine", their father-daughter dance song at the wedding.
It is spooky wonderful being in sync with the universe.
Lone Star Lass (Jen's mom) - Wow! I love that stuff. I don't know if I told you, but that was my son and my wedding dance, too. :)
That's a great song for a parent-child dance. I guess more people don't think of it, especially the Guns 'N Roses version. Joe had a lot of guests tell him they thought it was great. They didn't know Jennifer chose it because she thought he wouldn't cry if he had to dance to it!
Lone Star Lass - I also chose it so people wouldn't cry. :)
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