Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Because I said so

There is a Verizon wireless store located at 5925 Phelan Boulevard, Suite H (1-800-716-1755) that nobody knows about. It's in the same shopping center as Bella Maman, Early Bird Cafe and Girlfriend's Fitness. Unlike all of the other Verizon locations, it isn't crowded...yet.

When I got my first cell phone years ago, I bought an iGo car charger. I have used the same charger for all of my phones just by buying a new tip ($8.95). Cheap! They're easy to find online. I buy my new tips at Radio Shack. The adapter itself costs around $20.

This bread is delicious! It's Mrs. Baird's Whole Grain Honey White. It's also good for you since it's whole grain. Give it a try.


Lorna said...

Verizon? Verizon? do you know we just got TIVO in Canada and you're taunting me with Verizon?

George said...

You're such a mother! But I guess somebody has to take care of us.

Laurie said...

Lorna - I taunt in your general direction.

George - I've been called a "mother" before. :)