Yesterday, I had a few uglies removed (see above). My brother and his family are in town from Arkansas and I met them for lunch today. I haven't seen them in months and you know what my smart-ass brother's first words were to me?
"Damn, girl? What happened to you? You been huntin' with Dick Cheney?"
what are uglies and how did you remove them?
Zina -
Uglies = 2 lumpy sort of things and a mole
How removed = small incisions with stitches
Painful? = During: No; After: 30 hour (and counting) headache from hell
Poor Baby, hope the headache from hell has gone home by now.
Peter - It's all better this morning. Thanks. :)
Uglies are always best removed. Good that you had this done. I hope you're feeling better. :)
Hope everything is OK
Sophmom and Al - It was strictly for cosmetic purposes except for the one the doctor wanted to remove but he thought that one was fine, too. The headache is all gone this morning. Thanks for asking.
Perhaps your brother has not learned that payback is hell.
SO - No kidding! :)
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