If you serve shrimp fajitas and...
you serve fajita quesadillas...
why can't I have shrimp quesadillas?
I guess I should have asked that question of the chef instead of the waiter. I considered doing the whole Five Easy Pieces bit and telling the waiter to hold the tortillas between his knees but he was a nice guy and I was pretty sure he wouldn't get the reference.
I love that scene
Ha! I've been waiting 30 years to use that bit, but no waitress I've met is that difficult. I must not look enough like a troublemaker.
If they can't figure out how to price it, you can't have it. Plain and simple.
So what did she say, "No"? Thats when you ask for the manager. Usually, just asking will turn a "no" to a "yes", because she should rather ask the manager if the dish could be made, instead of YOU asking!
Al - I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen the whole movie. You know, I don't think I have.
Larry - It would have been a perfect opportunity but he was a nice guy.
Old Horsetail - I would have paid extra for the shrimp. No problemo.
Miss C - He just said, "We don't have shrimp quesadillas on the menu."
There were seven of us there, all separate checks and lots of drinks orders. He was a really nice guy and I didn't want to make his life any more complicated than I had to.
I'm VERY low maintenance. It wasn't that big of a deal and I do love their shrimp fajitas.
Next time I go, if they're not too busy, I'm going to talk to the manager before we even sit down and suggest they add it to the menu.
Laurie: Your restaurant experience sounds like one Daddy and I had in Arizona a few years back. We stopped at a Mexican restaurant and I ordered ice tea with my meal. The waitress came back and told me ice tea was out of season and would I like a coke. I couldn't help but wonder, "How in the Hell can tea be seasonal?" Guess she's never been to the South:) Cindy
Cindy - Iced tea out of season?! That's a new one on me.
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