Saturday, December 31, 2005

I Like Dreamin'

A month or so ago, I did a post about a dream I had and asked for dream interpretations from the crowd. Popeye is especially good at this. The reason for this dream post is that last night I had the same strange incident happen to me in two separate dreams in the same night. I don't recall ever having that happen to me before.

In the first dream, I'm driving along a dark road with my mother in the back seat. I don't remember if anyone is beside me in the front seat. My dad is following in a van. As I'm driving along, suddenly my headlights go out. I can't see anything. It's like I'm completely blind. I can hear my dad telling me to keep driving, they'll come back on eventually but I'm terrified. My mom, tells me to wait a minute and she shines a tiny flashlight through the windshield which helps for a moment and then everything goes black again.

I finally decide to try to pull off the road and wait for the lights to come back on but I'm frightened because I'm not sure where the side of the road is or if I'll actually be off the road when I stop the car. I manage to pull off the road and after a few seconds, the lights come back on and I drive away terrified that it will happen again. I have no idea where we were driving to or how I felt about where we were going.

In the second dream, I'm by myself in the car and, once again, I don't remember where I was going, but the lights go out again throwing me into complete darkness with the car still moving. This time the darkness comes in shorter intervals and I just keep slowly driving each time the lights go out. I don't remember anyone being in the car with me and I think I woke up before the end of that dream. It wasn't quite as frightening as the first dream because I remembered having the lights go out on me before even though the dreams weren't actually connected in any way other than the headlights going off.

Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I've heard that vehicles in dreams represent your life. Perhaps you're at one of those junctures in life when you're evaluating direction? Sounds scary to me.


No way, not on Saturday morning. It'll be hard enough just to type that right into the verification field.

Laurie said...

Sophmom - I'm always re-evaluating my direction. The only thing I'm sure of is I don't want to go backward.

Popeye - To quote Seinfeld, I am speechless...I am without speech. You even nailed the freakin' van my dad was driving. I'm telling you. That was amazina!!!!!!!!!

Laurie said...

Popeye - I almost forgot: How YOU doin' and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like too much Tequila to me! And to confirm my opinion, my ID tonight is "wozyooo!"

JustLinda said...

I think it's the emotion in the dream that is key. You were afraid of the unknown.

Are you expecting any changes in your path in life? Or is your future "unknown" and this is scary to you?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

See, on New Year's Eve, you were doing karaoke at the local bar. You drank so much you didn't remember trying to sing "When the Lights Went Out in Georgia."

Pretty meaningless, all in all, I'd say.

Lorna said...

I'm so glad I read Popeye and Sophmom before I made a fool of myself analyzing your dream. However, just in case, keep lots of batteries in your glovebox and Godiva chocolates in that zippered compartment in your handbag---you just never know.

Laurie said...

Anonymous - It's always too much tequila and I LOVE your word o' the day.

Just Linda - Going forward with my life is often like I'm doing it with my eyes closed.

Popeye - It's weird for sure. It's kind of like those psychic detectives on Court TV who can tell the cops about crimes over the telephone. Seriously, that's how close you get on your dream analysis with me.

Old Horsetail - How about "These Boots Were Made for Walking" or "Harper Valley PTA"?

Lorna - Now, that's some good advice.

Tracey Trogdon Blackmon said...

I've always had the opinion that driving a car (in a dream) is what is happening "now" or the "near future". For example, I often dream that I am driving up a really high bridge in the dark (of course) and I am really nervous about going over the peak [interpretation of worrying about what is coming up, or what will happen next in my life]. I also frequently dream I am driving and can't get the car to stop (brakes)[interpretation of feeling out of control/unable to stop current events in my life]. Sorry, I didn't mean this post to be about ME. I just wanted to confirm what others were saying. After a less-than-great-very-eventful-2005, I think I can validate the dreams' interpretations.

Laurie said...

Tracey - Glad you're back at the keyboard. I also have the dream about not being able to stop the car. I hate that one.