Before I left the house this morning, I had a long talk with myself about not eating so much at the firm luncheon today. I told myself that I can eat sensibly without overdoing it and then I wouldn't be miserable the rest of the afternoon. Then I got to work. By 9:00 a.m., I had eaten my oatmeal breakfast bar, a donut, a boudain colache, a sausage colache, a cake ball and some of the boss' raspberry/cheese spread.
If anyone sees me heading toward the kitchen, shoot me.
GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE GIRL, CEASE AND DISIST!!! I think english class is finally getting to me. That damn Othello is stuck in my head.
Baby sis
I think by 4:30, you'll be heading more toward the bathroom.
Then you can go back into the kitchen.
One of the few good things about not being able to eat wheat and not much milk, is that this type of thing rarely happens. You may borrow my allergies next time, just imagine fluid building up in your joints, and your body reject food as fast as it can...
What is a cake ball?
"cuxyoq"-cute unicorns xeroxing yaks of Quebec
And then at lunch when they sang "Roll Out the Barrel," somebody said, "Look, it's Laurie!"
How 'bout them cake balls! Whoever knew Fav File Clerk was a baker, too! bahahahaha!
Anonymous - I hate it when that happens.
Marinade Dave - Now, there's an idea.
Susan - A cake ball is a cake you bake with a cake mix, stir in the frosting making a big globby goo, freeze the globby goo, take it out of the freezer and roll it into balls and then dip it into chocolate or almond bark and refrigerate. Delicious!!!
Old Horsetail - I'll definitely be wearing my fat pants for a while.
Fav File Clerk - You kicked Cake-Ball-Ass!
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