Thursday, August 09, 2007

Do You NetFlix?

Until very recently, I had successfully avoided joining NetFlix. It seemed silly for me to pay even more money per month for movies than I do now with all my digital cable movie channels and my DVR. Upon the recommendation of a friend, I decided to check it out. Within about five minutes of joining, I was hooked. I've been on NetFlix for about two weeks and have already changed my membership from one at a time, unlimited DVDs per month to two at a time, unlimited DVDs per month.

I've also rated over 1,000 movies and have about 60 or 70 movies in my queue. I rated some of the movies 5 stars not based on quality but based on how much I liked them. For example, I gave The Burbs and Honeymoon in Vegas each 5 stars because I loved them and not because either of them are award-worthy films. The more movies you rate, the better NetFlix becomes in recommending movies for you. This is especially helpful for obscure titles and foreign films which I love discovering.

Click here to become my NetFlix friend and you can see my queue, what movies I have at home and all of my ratings. Oh, and I can see yours, too. I'm a very nosy girl.


OldHorsetailSnake said...

I have been to two movies in my adult life: One of them starred John Wayne.

Neal said...

I wonder if they will air-drop to the south pole...?

Susan in St. Paul said...

Some of us friends can be very bad influences, lol!

Neal-I shouldn't think so, and certainly not daily, lol! However, they do have films you can watch/download direct, so that could be a possibility.

Laurie said...

Old Horsetail - That reminds me. I need to rate some John Waynes.

Neal - I don't see why not. You should try it!

Susan - Yep.

Steve said...

So, this is one of them "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" deals, huh?

Lorna said...

We have which I thought of joining before I realized that I never want to watch DVDs---I want to see my movies in a theatre. That will probably all change now that my income is "fixed". I liked it better when it was broken.

Laurie said...

Pokerboss - Heck, yeah. I told you I'm nosy.

Lorna - I love going to the movies but I seldom make it there and I hate it when people are talking.

Grimm said...

I have this "friend" at work that orders tons of movies from NetFlix and lets everyone at work watch the movie before returning them.

He has a sign-out sheet and everything.

Laurie said...

Grimm - Clever man getting more bang for his buck. I'm not that nice.

EN said...

Netflix is great, until you've been a customer too long and they start giving all the new movies to newer members. I got so fed up I quit, and signed up for Blockbuster online. Not only is the base price cheaper, you get 1 free in store game or movie rental per month, PLUS you can exchange your DVDs at the store for new ones right away, without waiting the 3 day turnaround time. Definitely get more for your moneys worth.

Laurie said...

EN - Another friend of mine recommended Blockbuster. If Netflix doesn't work out, I'll check it out.