Sunday, April 23, 2006

Poor Bastard...

This is a Keyword Analysis (words entered into search engine that brought them to this blog) entry from my Stat Counter this morning...

how the fuck do i get pccillin off my computer


Mommy said...

Holy cow, sounds like someone forgot to take their Xanax today...

Anonymous said...

I got 67,000 hits on that search on Google, but you weren't on the first two pages. However it looks like you mentioned PCCillin, computers and getting it off your computer in January of this year.

Your phrasing was more dignified. though.

Laurie said...

Jen - No kidding.

Larry - If I wasn't on the first two pages, he was really desparate to keep Googling until he found me.

Pauline Evanosky said...

The funniest one I ever got was somebody looking for, "Dentists who wear dentures",

Laurie said...

Lady - That one is not only funny, it's ironic.