Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ligers and Tigons and Napoleon Dynomite, Oh My!

There is a scene in Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon is drawing a Liger and he says it's 'pretty much my favorite animal' or something like that. A Liger is the product of breeding a male lion and a female tiger. A Tigon is a result of the mating of a male tiger and a female lion. I had no idea there were actually such animals. Here is the Wikipedia definition. The picture above is a Liger.

The picture on the right is of two Tigons.

There are also Li-Tigons, Ti-Ligers, Ti-Tigons and Li-Ligers.


A commenter asks how there can be Li-Tigons, etc. if the Ligers and Tigons are sterile. The Wikipedia article states, 'Male ligers are usually sterile. Female ligers are often fertile and can be mated to a tiger resulting in ti-liger offspring or to a lion resulting in li-liger offspring.'


Donna said...

So like, what's the difference between a liger and a tigon? I'm so confused!!

Mark Alread said...

I'm still trying ti figure out how Disney bred a Tigger. You know T-I-Double Guh-er. I bet the DNA splicing to get the spring in the tail was hard.

Laurie said...

Donna - I added a sentence to the post explaining that a tigon is a male tiger with a female lion.

Mark - A Tigger is a wonderful thing!

Glod - You got it.

Ed said...

On a completely unrelated note, you haven't by any chance seen a missing corpse on a gourney?

nothing_but_coke said...

Wow! I had no idea there was such a thing. Learn something new everyday!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

So I suppose tomorrow's piece will be about unicorns and how they're weird?

How soon till we get to satyrs? And wood nymphs?

bayou_boy504 said...

Lucky! I'm going to go and build it a cake!

Laurie said...

Ed - I bet that was one of my relatives. The guy driving the truck, not the corpse.

Shelli - I do my best to entertain and inform. Nah, mostly this is just useless crap.

Old Horsetail - You spoiled the surprise! Dang!

Bayou Boy - Excellent idea!

Zina said...

Well, I'll be...they sure are big ass animals.

Laurie said...

Zina - Yes indeedy!