Saturday, September 16, 2006

For Suffering Employees

Someone sent me the audio for the below video and, since I couldn't figure out how to do an audio post, I created a very crass YouTube video so I could post it here.

I should be dusting or cleaning out closets or installing my new edition of Money but, because I love you so much, I have now spent an hour and a half creating a minute and a half video clip.

Off we go...


gawilli said...

Words to live by. Enjoy your posts. Thanks!

Laurie said...

Gawilli - It's a catchy little ditty.

Lorna said...

I'll never be able to get that tuen out of my head. Hope it doesn't rear its cute little head while I'm at church. And that was SO a good use of an hour and a half. I hope you did it at work.

Lorna said...

tune, TUNE.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you did that instead of cleaning out the closets. I will keep it near and dear inside my l'il brain to get through the dim days at the KnockingShitDownCo! *I'm about to...* Heh heh

Anonymous said...

Lorna - The tuen...tune...keeps running through my head, too. I'm sure it'll pop in there more than a few times on Monday.

Sophmom - I hope it helps. :)

Peter said...

I'm-a hummin' Laurie.

Laurie said...

Peter - It's really hard to stop singing isn't it?!