Right on, sister. I have the same sentiments for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and every other Hallmark-made-up Day whose purpose is to aid commercialism and inflict guilt on the public. EEB
I am really hating the Vermont Bear commercials. I mute the television when they come on.
I think if I were a woman (no, I don't have any repressed fantasies about that. . . so far as I know), I would really be offended, they are portrayed in the commercial as stupid and shallow; as for that matter are the guys who will throw a stuffed bear or anything other gee-gaw they can purchase at their woman in order to keep her happy and complacent. Effing offensive, it is.
Yup, I think that just about says it all!
Right on, sister. I have the same sentiments for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and every other Hallmark-made-up Day whose purpose is to aid commercialism and inflict guilt on the public. EEB
I am really hating the Vermont Bear commercials. I mute the television when they come on.
I think if I were a woman (no, I don't have any repressed fantasies about that. . . so far as I know), I would really be offended, they are portrayed in the commercial as stupid and shallow; as for that matter are the guys who will throw a stuffed bear or anything other gee-gaw they can purchase at their woman in order to keep her happy and complacent. Effing offensive, it is.
Amen sista'
Baby sis"
Everybody - Glad you all agree. :)
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