Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another Big Walking Day for Jack*

* Totals for the first two weeks on the sidebar.


Susan in St. Paul said...

That camera phone of his works awfully well when he wants it to ;-)

Congratulations Jack!

Sorry Laurie, I will email my steps.

Laurie said...

Susan - No need to apologize. I'll add in your totals whenever you send them.

Mommy said...

I think Jack cheats.

Jack said...

That ain't no camera phone. It's a Fuji FinePix F31, and it's sooooo much better than the Canon PowerShots I've owned.

Jack said...

And the reason I sent in a picture was because of evil-minded folks like Jen.

Laurie said...

Jen - He won't like that.

Jack - I thought the pic was awfully clear for a camera phone.

Jack - I told her you wouldn't like that. (See above.)

Grimm said...

Whoa, some serious step totals there. Makes me feel pretty damn lazy.

Oh well, time for a nap. Let's see...from the couch to the bed, that's 27 steps - plenty enough for me.

Laurie said...

Grimm - Seriously, you should get a pedometer. It really gets into your head.