Friday, November 16, 2007

FEMA Denies New Orleans Aquarium

One of my favorite places to visit in New Orleans is the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. After Hurricane Katrina, I read everything I could find trying to determine the status of the fish, birds and animals there and was horrified to learn that most didn't make it.

In order to restock the aquarium quickly, the staff of the aquarium did what any sensible person would do, they went fishing. Now, however, since the aquarium was restocked the old-fashioned way, saving tax payers a half-million dollars by not buying the fish from commercial suppliers, FEMA is refusing to pay their $616,000 commitment to the aquarium. (You can read about it here.)

Ah, wouldn't it be nice if FEMA was the only government agency we had to be embarrassed about?


Susan in St. Paul said...

What loons!

Steve said...

Them dumm sonsabitches shoulda knowed you cain't do anythin' sensable and expekt the guvamint to undastand. Sorry, I slipped into FEMA mode for a moment.

TBM said...

The aquarium in New Orleans was one of my favorite places too. I hope they can get it all figured out soon.

azhar elmiza said...

Hi there! I bumped to your blog when I googled how I misses New Orleans. It's sad the FEMA denied to help the Aquarium. The Aquarium is the first place that I visited when I was living in NOLA for 18months. I hope that someone should bring back the old New Orleans back soon.

Nevertheless, I still misses New Orleans. I miss walking on the riverside every week and having beignet for my breakfast. It's my favorite place on earth!

Laurie said...

Susan - Crazy!

Pokerboss - Well said.

Just... - If they stay away from FEMA, everything will be fine.

Azhar - I miss it, too. Time for a roadtrip.

Grimm said...

Well if they are doing everything from scratch, maybe they can get a commitment from somebody who appreciates the effort they put in.

Laurie said...

Grimm - Now, there's an idea. Forget FEMA.

Anonymous said...

There's no end to it. It would be laughable if it wasn't so damn tragic. Amidst so much absurdity this kind of got lost in the din. Thanks for shouting it out.

Laurie said...

Sophmom - Happy to shout it out.