Sunday, June 03, 2007

Well, if you put it that way...

I accidentally opened a spam e-mail this morning from someone named Merle who I thought might be Peter in Australia's sister. It obviously wasn't from Merle in Australia...

Experience the boost in your sex life with Penis Enlarge Patch. We promise that after trying Penis Enlarge Patch you dick wont look like overly boiled sausage.


Unknown said...

The comebacks to this are nearly irresistible. Thank goodness I'm a vegetarian.

Gina said...

I remember Freddie and also how shocked I was when he died...Sorry I have been such a shitty friend...Promise to be better if you send me a po'boy and a Hurricane from Pat O'Brians!!! Next time you go of course!

Anonymous said...

The sad part of this is, there is someone out there who reads that and thinks, "Wow! This is just what I need!"

Laurie said...

Comfort Addict - Hahahaha!

Jersey - Never apologize for that! For heaven's sake, you've had so much going on. I promise to at least toast you on my next New Orleans trip.

Leslie - That would be sad on so many levels.

Susan in St. Paul said...

I usually just get those increase your package ones :(

"It ain't the meat its the motion"

Peter said...

The temptations are there....
the lines are there....
Can I resist them?...
Quick hang up the phone before you say something crude...

Peter in Australia... brother of Merle.

Gina said...

Toast me? WTH...I'm Paying for the next 2 rounds! :)

Laurie said...

Susan - That's what they say.

Peter - Wise decision. :)

Jersey - We definitely need to have a blog friends convention in New Orleans.