Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Finally, the REAL reason we aren't losing weight

I found this article (click here) through a comment Crinklequirk left on the Craving Chocolate, World Peace blog. Turns out certain fat burning enzymes shut down when we sit down and exercise alone isn't enough to keep the pounds off.

I'd hate to think how much I'd weigh if I there wasn't always something calling me from another room: laundry, snacks, an unfinished list, something to Google or Wikipedia or IMDB upstairs, things to blog....

So, stand up, people and take a little trip around the room. Evidently, every little bit helps.


Lorna said...

Up, down, up, down, up, down, up down....I think that's enough for this morning.

TBM said...

Interesting! I'm off to putter...

Mommy said...

My puttering usually happens in the kitchen, therefore defeating its purpose.

Laurie said...

Lorna - Excellent! Come on, just one more....

Just - Putter away!

Jen - I don't know about that. It seems that any amount of puttering will do.

Grimm said...

Good grief, no wonder I keep gaining weight - my job is trying to slowly kill me.

I demand hazard pay!

Laurie said...

Grimm - I've got your back on that one!