When strange things happen to me, they happen in clumps. I can go for weeks, nay months, without weirdness, then BANG. Weird.
This afternoon, I noticed a fly in my office.den.computer room. Not weird, you say? I have never had a fly in my house in the four years I've lived here, let alone upstairs. Not only that, I eventually noticed there were two huge ass flies instead of just one hyperactive fly as I had originally thought.
Weird number two was that my shower wouldn't drain. I grant you, that's not so weird, but it is out of the ordinary for my tub.
Here's the biggy. Before I went upstairs to get ready to go out for the evening, I went to close my front door and noticed one of my patio chairs was slightly off center. I'm anal about that sort of thing. So, I opened my storm door with the intention of reaching my foot outside to tilt the patio chair ever so slightly to the right.
When I pushed open the storm door, the whole door came apart in my hand. The handle and door frame it was attached to briefly stayed upright while the glass fell forward. It all happened in slow motion. As the weight of the handle and door frame became too heavy for me to hold, I watched the glass fall forward toward the concrete. I couldn't move. I stood there helplessly waiting for the crash of the glass on my patio and the inevitable pain of glass shrapnel embedding itself into delicate parts of my anatomy.
But, it didn't break.
The glass door fell in one big piece on top of the broken door frame. I stood there and looked at it and started to laugh. The part of the door frame with the pneumatic cylinder and hinges was still attached to my house while the other part, including the glass panel, laid ever so delicately on my patio. I've been Windexing that glass for five years and always assumed it was glass. I know it's not plastic, so I assume it's some sort of weird alien hybrid.
Don't you wish your girlfriend was weird like me?