Monday, March 08, 2010

Job News

Long story short:
I started back to work at the new version of my old law firm this morning.

Long story a little less short:
Over the weekend the stars aligned presenting me with the opportunity to return to the job I was laid off from two months ago. I resigned from my two week old job Sunday, returned my refinery credentials this morning, drove across town and went back to my old office and surprised the hell out of everybody.

Very short summary:
Today was a beautiful day.


Jennifer said...

YES it was an AWESOME day....I am SOOOO HAPPY to have you back!!! What a GREAT start to a nasty Monday. LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

WOW! Congrats! Isn't life..surprising and wonderful.

Leiah said...

That's amazing! Yay - more posts and your closer to your mom during the day, should she need you. All is right with the world!