Thursday, April 30, 2009


Eavesdrop on Laurie and Carly in the conference room with all their work friends on Administrative Assistants' Day...

Carly: This cake is delicious...

Laurie: It sure is.

Carly: ...on this most holiest of days.

Laurie: I like cake.

Carly: I wonder what else they'll do for us today.

Laurie: There's ice cream, too.

Carly: I think someone should wash our hair with their feet...on this most holiest of days.

Laurie: (turning to whoever was sitting beside me) I like cake.

Carly: This is good cake.

Laurie: (looking at Carly) Wait...

Carly: What?

Laurie: I think you said that wrong.

Carly: What? Most holiest of days?

Laurie: No, the other thing. You said...heee said...hahahah...YOU SAID...HAHAHAHAHA...

Carly: (looking at me like I've lost my mind) What?

Laurie: You said, "Wash with their feet." It should be, "Wash our FEET with their hair." HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Carly: I did! Hahaha!!! I did say that! HAHAHAHA!!

Everybody: What's so funny?

Laurie: She said...HAHAHAH...

Carly: I said...HAHAHAHAHA....

Laurie and Carly: Can you see it...washing our hair... HAHAHAH...with...hahahahaha... THEIR FEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!!!!

Laurie and Carly: HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Everybody: Hmmmmmm. Too much sugar.

Laurie and Carly: HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Steve said...

I have feet - Big uns! And I'm only 2 blocks from the office! Call me.

Mommy said...

Hahahaha. I do miss working in that office. :)