Saturday, October 22, 2005

We Needed the Funk

Last night was my first outing to Crockett Street since Hurricane Rita and who better to be playing than our favorite funky band out of Baton Rouge Jive Train. Tonight back out on Crockett Street, it's the Astros on a big screen television in the street, Vallejo at Antones and Wang Chi's favorite soon-to-be-famous local band 9 Station Drive at Star Bar.

Ah, I'm finally starting to feel normal.

The saxophone player read a limerick from the stage that someone wrote but I didn't catch who wrote it. I'm paraphrasing because I also don't exactly remember the limerick. If anyone knows who wrote the limerick, I will gladly give them credit.

There once was a bitch storm named Rita
Which couldn't have been any meaner
Now I'm back home
And all my shit's gone
And I keep getting fucked by FEMA.


Carol Davidson said...

Feeling normal, eh? Please tell me what that feels like in case I happen upon it some day.

Great limerick.

Laurie said...

Abby - Normal for me, oddly enough, seems to involve consuming moderate to large quantities of alcohol with friends and family on noisy streets (Bourbon Street or Crockett Street or Sixth Street).