For around $100 a person can send their dog's DNA to be tested. Carly and I considered having a contest on my blog and charging people $1 to make a guess as to Lily Faye's breed. The $1 would be used toward the testing and the winner would receive a lovely Major Award. We were going to donate any money over the cost of the DNA test to the local Humane Society.
However, I have discovered that I'm too lazy to create a PayPal account. Maybe tomorrow.
In the meantime, what kind of puppy mix do you think Carly bought? Lily Faye is 6 weeks old.
Not St Bernard
Duane, maybe part St. Bernard? Something about the eyes makes me think part German Shepherd.
It's a little brown hairy dog with white feet. Who will poop every where.
Part cute / part precious
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