I bought myself a present. It's the
Nintendo DS Lite. I also bought the game
Brain Age which is supposed to make me smarter.
When you first play the game, it tells you how old your brain is. My brain is 80 years old. However, my alter ego LuLu has a brain age of 55. I knew that bitch was smarter than me.
That's an interesting thing. I also bought a DS for the brain games. But I ended up deciding not to. I knew I wouldn't really play it. I have a game boy I never play.
I see you have the Noble Pink version. Nice. I tremble at the thought of finding out my brain age.
Very neat! I'd get one, but I doubt I would play it very much.
(Word verification: dinjaa - Is that like a dumb ninja?)
I had no idea you were a gamer Laurie! =)
I don't think I'd want to know my brain's age. I like living in denial....it's a nice place.
Hi Laurie, with some more practice who knows you might get to 90....
Previous post, Ummm interesting......
i got an all white one, and man, I can't put it down.
A. J. - I bet you would play it. Competing against yourself to prove how smart you are is addictive.
Lorna - I am quite nobly pink.
Jen - See my answer to A.J. Regarding your word verifier, I thought it was more like, "You DID see that, dinja?"
Se7en - Only the very simple games and puzzles. Anything that requires me to use more than two buttons at a time is WAY above my coordination level.
Texas Gal - You have a point.
Peter - That previous post seems to have really left the men aghast.
Sir Jorge - Doncha love it?
No, no no! 80 is about as smart as you can get. 55 is still learning.
Did you ever see that show Brain Games on HBO, way back in the day? Your post just made me think of that.
I'm not sure how old my brain is...Dave says, "Your brain is 12."
All I can say to him is, "I know your is, but what is mine?"
Old Horsetail - Stupid Nintendo got it wrong!
Leslie - Hahahahaha!!!
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