Thursday, January 29, 2009

Idol Apologizes to Contestant for Suggesting He Threatened Judges

American Idol has apologized to contestant Mark Mudd for suggesting he threatened the judges during an audition show last week in Louisville, Ky.

After Mudd was rejected, the 25-year-old wannabe singer told the judges, "Take care and be careful."

Paula Abdul interpreted that line as a threat, explaining that it's "not a normal thing to say to people."

On Thursday, Idol reps issued the following apology:

"We apologize to any viewers who were offended by the misinterpretation of the contestant's comment to 'be careful' upon completion of his audition in Louisville, KY.

"Our visits to audition cities are relatively brief and sometimes regional greetings and salutations are lost in translation. We had not heard that phrase from any other contestants during the day, so it took everyone by surprise.

"We now know better and look forward to visiting Louisville again someday."

Laurie's reaction:


Mommy said...

I concur with Laurie's interpretation. IDIOTS!

Anonymous said...

sensitive people should stay as far away from American Idol as possible. but at least Mudd gets another 15 minutes of fame

Laurie said...

Ms. E - Of course, you do! We are one. :)

Coffee - Very true!