The coffee just wasn't working this afternoon. I told a co-worker that I need someone to come into my cubicle and pinch me every couple of hours to wake me up. Then I decided that a pinch wouldn't do. I need someone to come into my office every hour and slap the crap out of me.

Any volunteers?
This could be interesting, we work with some mean girls!
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.
Baby sis
With some of the psychos roaming the countryside, I don't know if this was a wise request, Laurie.
*winky face*
Scary thing is - you probably would like it!
Peggy - Hahahahaha!!!
Baby Sis - I'm sure you'll find a way.
Ms. E - ((nudge, nudge, wink, wink))
Grimm - You're onto me.
I can't quite remember who that slappee is.....I know the slapper, though.
Next time... chocolate covered coffee beans!!
With all your ghostly connections, perhaps you could get the late Glenn Ford to slap you just like in the picture. That would be pretty cool! If not, I'm right around the corner. Gimme a call.
If I take tickets, can I keep a percentage. I'm sure the contract will have an upper limit, but the potential is . . . well, you know.
Old Horsetail - Isn't that a great picture?!
Just - I've been having a hard time finding some. Target had bunches out yesterday though. Evidently, they're a popular Christmas gife.
George - Perhaps we can split the bounty if we give them two for the price of one and I don't mean that I get slapped twice.
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