Monday, November 01, 2004

It's Monday Alright...

I’m having one of those boomerang brain kind of days where thoughts try to get into my brain and bounce off and go right back out into space. People come into my office to ask me a question and before I can even pull up the calendar, I’m asking them again what I’m looking for.

I also just spilled a full glass of water all over my desk but successfully managed to get it wiped up before the computer chick came by and caught me.

The bad news is, I think some of the water fell precariously close to my CPU so I may get zapped at any moment. At least that would wake me up.

The good news is that since the cleaning people only dust in the academic sense of the word, my desk is really clean now.


Anonymous said...

Laurie, you too??? Jen here. What a day! Maybe it's the weather. Davie and I are going to start snoring soon.

Laurie said...

Hattaraspainter, you need to get jiggy with writing some posts on your blog. North Carolina and sailing and the shore sounds like you have plenty to write about.